Here Are Some Things You Can Do To Keep Your Meat Grinder's Clogging.

Most meat grinder owners find clogging a pain in the stomach. If your best and most expensive meat grinder jams, you won’t be happy.

The following will provide guidelines on how to prevent your meat grinder’s clogging.

Some meat grinders are more susceptible to clogging than others, but there are other things that could be done that can make the situation worse.

There are many things that you can do to fix the problem. However, over-used meat grinders are more likely to become clogged.

Guidelines To Prevent Your Meat Grinder From Clogging

Here are some things you can do to keep your meat grinder’s clog free.

Remove Excess Fat And Sinew From Meat

This may not matter if you don’t have an expensive electric meat grinder. If you purchased an ordinary meat grinder, you might want to get rid of any excess fat.

Maintain And Protect The Plates And Blades

Your grinder will not become clogged if the blades are more efficient. If the blades are too blunt, take them apart and sharpen.

Wipe The Blades Clean And Dry

Blades that are clean and free of rust will remain sharp during cutting and grinding, which reduces the possibility of clogging. Remember to keep your blades clean and free from any defects.

Don’t Overload Your Meat Grinder

Don’t feed your meat grinder with large slabs of meat. Choose smaller pieces of meat. Clogging is greatly reduced when there is less strain placed on the grinder.